It is really easy. In fact these instructions are probably going to make it seem harder than it actually is.
(If you have already registered and are signed in to the site, skip to step 3)
Step One – Sign in
The sign in link is at the top right of the page.
Step Two- Login or Register
Here you can login if you have an account, register if you do not, or request your password if you have forgotten it.
Step Three: Submit a link
Once you are logged in, you can slect the “submit a link” option on the menu bar.
Step Four: Paste the link
Paste the link you want to share here.
Step Five: Customize
If the site you are sharing from has it’s metadata in order, the next page should look like this. The title and description will populate automatically. Otherwise, you can copy and paste the first couple sentences of the article.
Two things to do here:
1) Pick the category for your link in the box marked category.
2) Select the image you want with your post. The box marked, “Select from Source URL” will automatically pull pictures from your link. Click the arrow on the left side and pick the picture you want to come up with your post.
Now Click “Submit.”
Step Six: Confirmation
Once you see this page, you have successfully added a link.
Did you notice that once you log in, you never have to touch the keyboard again? I wanted to make this as easy as possible to encourage everyone to submit their links.